Alles rund ums Fami­li­en­le­ben im Ländle

Hi, I’m jenn!
This is the online home of Whyte, welcome!

with whyte you can real­ly play with Tren­dy gra­di­ents — or you pre­fer solid colors? that’s Cover­ed too!

Whyte is crea­ti­ve and uni­que Word­Press the­me focu­sed on deli­ve­ring eye-cat­ching design and smooth expe­ri­ence accross all devices, while enab­ling aut­hors to crea­te rich and vibrant con­tent with ease.

Whyte fea­tures one-of-a-kind lay­out sys­tem and sel­ec­tion of ele­ments, typo­gra­phic, sty­li­stic and blog opti­ons. We have careful­ly ima­gi­ned and crea­ted every detail of the the­me in order to inspi­re and empower aut­hors to effort­less­ly fuse all this into vivid content.

an inter­view post